
PIVue is a plugin for the Vue.js framework that allows for building custom displays and applications using Osisoft PI data. PI Vue connects directly to a PI Web API instance.


  • Basic display components such as Values and Multistates
  • Interactive Trends with linked trace and zoom, export functions, thresholding and value interpolation
  • Advanced components to navigate PI A/F structures such as a Tree Browser, Cascader
  • An Promises based API to interact with PI Web API servers


PIVue is still a work in progress. There are many things it currently does not support but are planned, such as

  • Different and mixed types of charts (bar, pie, boxplot, etc.)
  • Data Tables
  • Batch Calls

Why Not Use?

PI Vision

PI Vision is capable of doing most of what PIVue does, but is designed for building displays. PIVue is focussed on building rich and interactive applications fully tailored for the users demands. If you need a simple display consisting of standard components, consider PI Vision, if you need more complexity or want to build things tailormade, PIVue may be for you.


Angular and Vue are both mature frameworks for building large and complex applications with wide development support. However, compared to Angular Vue is less opinionated and comes with a much less steep learning curve and is arguably a better choice for simple applications.

In the end it comes down developer preference, if you want a rigid development system with a One-True-Way of building applications, choose Angular. If you prefer more flexibility, consider using (PI)Vue.